Monday, March 21, 2011

Chihuahua - Dog Breeds

The Chihuahua is a small dog, on average no more than 6 to 9 inches (15 to 23 cm) tall and 2 to 12 pounds (1 to6 kg) in weight. And 'in fact the smallest dog breed in the world, and no wonder, when people are famous throughout the world tend to choose this dog companion luggage like a local. They are easy to carry, look cute, and do not need much exercise, even daily walks are necessary. But it is a race, and is very much alivefun. It is usually very happy and affectionate, and crave a lot of attention. The Chihuahua will follow you wherever you go, and loves to sit on your lap while you watch TV, read, sleep, watch and so on. Chihuahuas can have very different personalities, however, and while some of them may be friendly and affectionate, others do not mind that. Chihuahuas are good with older children and kind to foreigners in general, so if they can distinguish theirPersonality.

About The Chihuahua has a relatively large head, eyes out, expression grim, and often very large ears. Their hair is long and smooth, with colors ranging from red, cream, chocolate, blue, gray, white, beige and black

The history of Chihuahuas is a mystery. We know that she is from Mexico, but the rest of the story is all speculation and folklore. The most common theory is that the Chihuahua is a descendant of the race Techichi,Toltecs (a certain strain) developed by Chinese race, and that the Spanish conquistadors brought to America later. The Techichi can be traced from the IX century. The Chihuahua was registered with the Kennel Club 1904th

The life of a Chihuahua is between 8 and 22 years, that's a lot compared to other breeds. Some common health problems include Luxating patella, entropion, dental problems, heart, tracheaProblems, blood sugars, sensitivity to chemicals and drugs, and a fountain opened. You can also arise genetic abnormalities such as epilepsy and seizure disorders, hydrocephalus, and sometimes even with the sometimes very painful condition. This can be noticed when the puppy has an unusually large head during the first months. They also have brittle bones and prominent eyes are easily damaged. In general, smaller breeds tend to have more healthThe big questions that, because of conventional farming past, this breed is probably no exception.

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